Thursday, January 8, 2015

Oboe with me at my art and music table

The practice of Zen is not limited to the meditation mat. The practice of Zen is our entire life and is the very thread that binds our different lives together. Discovering this truth is called awakening, and it takes a circuitous route.
(Janet Jiryu Abels)

If we go down into ourselves, we find that we possess exactly what we desire.
(Simone Weil)

Whether it is the time or the method, true labor is half initiative and half knowing how to let things proceed on their own.
(January 8,  from 365 Tao: Daily Meditations, by Deng Ming-Dao)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful quotes and a beautiful photo.

Tara said...

have you read "It's Easier than you Think" by Silvia Boorstein? Your wonderful quotes remind me of her excellent writing. I love your reading/art/music table. It's all about intention.

am said...

Thank you, robin andrea!

Tara -- I'll see if our public library has that book. I've enjoyed reading articles by Sylvia Boorstein. My digital camera and a laptop are also on that table. My intention now is to add inkle weaving and possibly tapestry to the mix (-: